Calculate daily totals updating the soil moisture until equilibrium.

spin_up(mdat, dtot)



list with meteorological data (see the details section).


list with daily totals (see the details section).


list, daily totals


The list with meteorological data, mdat, should have the following components:

  • num_lines ..... double, length of meteorol. variable lists

  • lat_deg ....... double latitude (degrees)

  • elv_m ......... double, elevation (m)

  • year .......... double, year

  • sf ............ list, fraction of sunshine hours

  • tair .......... list, mean daily air temperature (deg. C)

  • pn ............ list, precipitation (mm/d)

The list with daily totals, dtot, should have the following component:

  • wm ............ list, daily soil moisture (mm)


daily_totals <- matrix(data = rep(0, 366), nrow = 366, ncol = 1)
daily_totals <-
names(daily_totals) <- c("wn")
my_file <- system.file("extdata/example_data.csv", package = "splash")
my_data <- splash::read_csv(my_file, 2000)
my_data$lat_deg <- 37.7
my_data$elv_m <- 142
daily_totals <- splash::spin_up(my_data, daily_totals)
#> Spun 2 years
#> Spin-Up:
for (i in seq(from = 1, to = my_data$num_lines, by = 1)) {
  if (i == 1) cat(sprintf("Day\tWn (mm)\n"))
  cat(sprintf("%d\t%0.6f\n", i, daily_totals$wn[i]))
#> Day	Wn (mm)
#> 1	54.619772
#> 2	54.087045
#> 3	53.536283
#> 4	55.306694
#> 5	54.731537
#> 6	54.188802
#> 7	53.605105
#> 8	52.983214
#> 9	52.768340
#> 10	53.174901
#> 11	65.120096
#> 12	65.086380
#> 13	65.795967
#> 14	67.469915
#> 15	73.145848
#> 16	86.227233
#> 17	85.509462
#> 18	104.831503
#> 19	107.973813
#> 20	107.864185
#> 21	110.751404
#> 22	112.406138
#> 23	135.885480
#> 24	150.000000
#> 25	150.000000
#> 26	149.134389
#> 27	148.250522
#> 28	147.368029
#> 29	146.466003
#> 30	150.000000
#> 31	150.000000
#> 32	150.000000
#> 33	148.924898
#> 34	150.000000
#> 35	150.000000
#> 36	150.000000
#> 37	149.003068
#> 38	147.795242
#> 39	146.589334
#> 40	149.020987
#> 41	150.000000
#> 42	150.000000
#> 43	150.000000
#> 44	150.000000
#> 45	150.000000
#> 46	149.150830
#> 47	150.000000
#> 48	150.000000
#> 49	148.662780
#> 50	147.242169
#> 51	150.000000
#> 52	150.000000
#> 53	150.000000
#> 54	150.000000
#> 55	148.895879
#> 56	149.628050
#> 57	150.000000
#> 58	150.000000
#> 59	149.393890
#> 60	150.000000
#> 61	148.391305
#> 62	150.000000
#> 63	148.540796
#> 64	147.645532
#> 65	150.000000
#> 66	149.162043
#> 67	148.276081
#> 68	150.000000
#> 69	150.000000
#> 70	148.358736
#> 71	147.834670
#> 72	145.771665
#> 73	143.658587
#> 74	141.458491
#> 75	139.135607
#> 76	136.823471
#> 77	134.610197
#> 78	132.222750
#> 79	129.882281
#> 80	127.692012
#> 81	125.289153
#> 82	122.789788
#> 83	120.765904
#> 84	118.414058
#> 85	116.101224
#> 86	113.719623
#> 87	111.365679
#> 88	108.990383
#> 89	106.553135
#> 90	103.902858
#> 91	101.056938
#> 92	97.879204
#> 93	94.561686
#> 94	91.274783
#> 95	88.321891
#> 96	85.453009
#> 97	82.546335
#> 98	79.522307
#> 99	76.578809
#> 100	73.696838
#> 101	70.676186
#> 102	67.481244
#> 103	64.510371
#> 104	65.838844
#> 105	66.378334
#> 106	63.581292
#> 107	70.749648
#> 108	87.415950
#> 109	84.978605
#> 110	81.843171
#> 111	78.593939
#> 112	75.208419
#> 113	72.035721
#> 114	68.849893
#> 115	65.518110
#> 116	62.203157
#> 117	58.877554
#> 118	55.673514
#> 119	52.696427
#> 120	49.778971
#> 121	46.906695
#> 122	44.171984
#> 123	41.575137
#> 124	39.124863
#> 125	36.801058
#> 126	34.617305
#> 127	32.565250
#> 128	44.436003
#> 129	49.165135
#> 130	46.261031
#> 131	43.528812
#> 132	40.947017
#> 133	38.472821
#> 134	36.132308
#> 135	46.181249
#> 136	55.031939
#> 137	55.052717
#> 138	51.786046
#> 139	48.597291
#> 140	45.545916
#> 141	42.628105
#> 142	39.856289
#> 143	37.252668
#> 144	34.821215
#> 145	32.571986
#> 146	30.500920
#> 147	28.574018
#> 148	26.775746
#> 149	25.101510
#> 150	23.551271
#> 151	22.115514
#> 152	20.784740
#> 153	19.606270
#> 154	18.517272
#> 155	17.510840
#> 156	16.581531
#> 157	15.721598
#> 158	14.933631
#> 159	14.206447
#> 160	17.741658
#> 161	16.777084
#> 162	15.891389
#> 163	15.081070
#> 164	14.341396
#> 165	13.671794
#> 166	13.057260
#> 167	12.496875
#> 168	11.986290
#> 169	11.517073
#> 170	11.079280
#> 171	10.681119
#> 172	10.325391
#> 173	10.001563
#> 174	9.705514
#> 175	9.430134
#> 176	9.177511
#> 177	8.948350
#> 178	8.744328
#> 179	8.562080
#> 180	8.396358
#> 181	8.244475
#> 182	8.101343
#> 183	8.074342
#> 184	8.047322
#> 185	8.018086
#> 186	7.993862
#> 187	7.969863
#> 188	7.945927
#> 189	7.924267
#> 190	7.912136
#> 191	7.914105
#> 192	7.922384
#> 193	7.931438
#> 194	7.939779
#> 195	7.945331
#> 196	7.956974
#> 197	7.973129
#> 198	7.981937
#> 199	7.983415
#> 200	7.989997
#> 201	8.011655
#> 202	8.036719
#> 203	8.060022
#> 204	8.080322
#> 205	8.112888
#> 206	8.150661
#> 207	8.185929
#> 208	8.213560
#> 209	8.231881
#> 210	8.263972
#> 211	8.302234
#> 212	8.342837
#> 213	8.387138
#> 214	8.399131
#> 215	10.197046
#> 216	10.057713
#> 217	9.926424
#> 218	9.809987
#> 219	9.707896
#> 220	9.612056
#> 221	9.521972
#> 222	9.441714
#> 223	9.370780
#> 224	9.321525
#> 225	9.289184
#> 226	9.260466
#> 227	9.241201
#> 228	9.226706
#> 229	9.222017
#> 230	9.219429
#> 231	9.213360
#> 232	9.206454
#> 233	9.203571
#> 234	9.211203
#> 235	9.221234
#> 236	9.228649
#> 237	9.239379
#> 238	9.266407
#> 239	9.294172
#> 240	9.323723
#> 241	9.355048
#> 242	9.379814
#> 243	9.401295
#> 244	13.104287
#> 245	13.963352
#> 246	13.647484
#> 247	13.362226
#> 248	13.101440
#> 249	12.871676
#> 250	12.678947
#> 251	12.511144
#> 252	12.359704
#> 253	12.217959
#> 254	12.092126
#> 255	11.987116
#> 256	11.896515
#> 257	12.201166
#> 258	13.046478
#> 259	12.890259
#> 260	12.752722
#> 261	12.642457
#> 262	12.549298
#> 263	12.469152
#> 264	12.400976
#> 265	12.333803
#> 266	12.531516
#> 267	12.457176
#> 268	12.396439
#> 269	12.351165
#> 270	12.314857
#> 271	12.280115
#> 272	12.246832
#> 273	12.232679
#> 274	12.240852
#> 275	12.121668
#> 276	12.012512
#> 277	11.909714
#> 278	11.817294
#> 279	11.736146
#> 280	11.667722
#> 281	11.608357
#> 282	11.561181
#> 283	14.571315
#> 284	19.374614
#> 285	19.566341
#> 286	19.038907
#> 287	18.552463
#> 288	18.107811
#> 289	17.695328
#> 290	17.316699
#> 291	16.970352
#> 292	16.650003
#> 293	16.355925
#> 294	16.554861
#> 295	16.273301
#> 296	16.020844
#> 297	15.791348
#> 298	15.582710
#> 299	20.215958
#> 300	36.437669
#> 301	36.937090
#> 302	44.927075
#> 303	53.468496
#> 304	58.211508
#> 305	57.088153
#> 306	55.800070
#> 307	54.507216
#> 308	53.194826
#> 309	51.910301
#> 310	50.703269
#> 311	49.528669
#> 312	48.360095
#> 313	47.211408
#> 314	47.289925
#> 315	47.954440
#> 316	47.070367
#> 317	46.196037
#> 318	50.878405
#> 319	51.360085
#> 320	51.020908
#> 321	51.603264
#> 322	50.810448
#> 323	50.011971
#> 324	49.215872
#> 325	48.456286
#> 326	51.612659
#> 327	50.879924
#> 328	50.157486
#> 329	49.401714
#> 330	48.663324
#> 331	48.182395
#> 332	47.706723
#> 333	46.987040
#> 334	56.043609
#> 335	55.381375
#> 336	54.755990
#> 337	54.145134
#> 338	53.526016
#> 339	52.888155
#> 340	52.250660
#> 341	51.624160
#> 342	53.126789
#> 343	52.834463
#> 344	52.362429
#> 345	51.764073
#> 346	52.867257
#> 347	54.775500
#> 348	57.065474
#> 349	59.349375
#> 350	60.562902
#> 351	59.999987
#> 352	59.425155
#> 353	58.897302
#> 354	58.343770
#> 355	57.793554
#> 356	59.574062
#> 357	59.437600
#> 358	58.934698
#> 359	58.705614
#> 360	58.201413
#> 361	57.706341
#> 362	57.179062
#> 363	56.665640
#> 364	56.160188
#> 365	55.668054
#> 366	55.151466